The Ultimate Guide To Pest Prevention And Control

Pests like flies, ants, and mice can spread bacteria, viruses, and parasites while creating unsanitary conditions. They also contribute to allergies and asthma attacks.

Preventing pests starts with reducing their food sources. This includes storing food in airtight containers and promptly cleaning up crumbs. It also involves keeping the area around your home clear of wood piles and shrubbery. Check out to learn more.

pest preventionSeal Off Entry Points

Pests invade homes through a wide variety of entry points. Even the tiniest cracks and crevices can provide access, but some spots are especially common. Keep these areas in mind to help prevent pests from infiltrating your home.

Foundation Cracks

Pest entry points vary by pest, but many pests will enter your home through foundation or basement cracks. In general, you will want to seal these areas with mortar, caulk, or urethane expandable foam to prevent pests from entering your home. If you suspect there are significant cracks in the foundation or basement of your home, contact a professional for more effective treatment.


Gaps around doors are a popular place for pests to sneak in. Insects and rodents can compact their bodies to fit through holes that are only a quarter of an inch in size, so it is important to regularly inspect and seal these areas. Installing door sweeps and using weather stripping will help reduce the gaps pests can slip through.

Vents & Utility Lines

Insects and rodents often take advantage of vents found in attics, crawl spaces, and basements. These openings in the walls are commonly used for ventilation, but they also offer pests an easy way to gain entry into your home. To prevent pests from entering your home through these vents, you can cover them with mesh covers to block pests while still allowing proper air circulation.


Many pests, including cockroaches, ants, and silverfish, seek shelter in cool, dark places. A basement is a perfect hideout, and it can be very difficult to stop them from entering your home. To prevent pests from seeking shelter in your basement, store food in sealed containers and don’t let trash accumulate. You can also use a dehumidifier and hire a moisture control expert to prevent the accumulation of excess water in the area.

Pests are also attracted to food sources, which is why it is important to regularly clean your kitchen and dining room. Wipe down surfaces, sweep and vacuum frequently to remove crumbs and spills, and avoid leaving food out overnight. If you do need to store food, make sure it is in airtight containers and keep it away from counters and cabinets where pests can find it easily.

Keep Your Home Clean

Many things can attract pests to your home, including open food sources and crumbs, moisture, and shelter. By taking steps to keep your home clean, you can help prevent pests from entering your space.

First, inspect your home for any cracks or gaps that could be entry points for pests. Seal these areas with caulk to prevent pests from infiltrating your house. Also, inspect your windows and doors for any holes or gaps that could allow pests to enter. Replace or repair any window screens that are worn. Finally, check every cable, heating, and ventilation item that passes through your walls for any holes or gaps. Make sure to double-seal these areas with caulk to prevent pests.

Next, remove anything that might attract pests to your home. For example, stacks of paper and newspapers can attract rodents and cockroaches. It’s important to put yourself on a regular cleaning schedule so that you can stay on top of the clutter in your house. Make sure to sweep and vacuum your home regularly, especially the kitchen and bathrooms where crumbs can accumulate. Finally, don’t forget to empty your trash cans frequently and store food in sealed containers.

Moisture can also incite pests to move into your home, so it’s essential to take steps to reduce moisture around your house. Leaky pipes and appliances, and damp spaces inside your house can encourage mold, mildew, or condensation. Also, if you have outdoor items like tools or equipment stored in your garage, make sure to move them into a plastic tote or container so they can be kept dry.

Rodents, spiders, ants, and other pests love hiding in wood piles and shrubbery that is too close to your home. Trim any plants and wood piles that are touching your home’s foundation. This will stop these pests from getting into your home through the ground or the crawl space. Additionally, if you have piles of debris in your yard, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. This will stop critters from accessing your home through the basement or foundation.


Keep Your Garden Pest-Free

Keeping pests out of your garden is a simple and effective way to prevent them from entering your home. Whether you are growing vegetables, flowers, or fruit trees, pests that feast on these crops can lead to the demise of your plants and wreak havoc on your yard. If you have a vegetable or herb garden, choose varieties that are resistant to the pests you face most often. For example, if you have problems with squash bugs, grow winter squash like Royal Acorn or Butternut. If potato beetles destroy your crop, try growing potatoes such as “King Harry.”

Besides keeping your garden free of weeds and overgrowth, another important step is to regularly inspect it for signs of pestsThis includes checking for holes in the leaves, gnawed leaf edges, and wilting plants. Taking care of these issues early will allow you to keep your garden healthy and pest-free without resorting to chemical controls.

It is also a good idea to remove any standing water from your yard. This will eliminate an ideal environment for mosquitoes and other pests that breed in damp areas. In addition, you should regularly trim back bushes and vegetation that hang over or near your house. This will make it harder for pests to sneak inside through open windows or cracks in the walls.

If you do encounter an infestation of bugs or rodents, take steps to eradicate them as quickly as possible. The longer you wait to act, the more difficult it will be to control them. If you must use chemicals, always apply them in a way that will not come into contact with your family or pets, and follow all label instructions.

The best approach to pests is prevention, not treatment. By implementing these common-sense tips, you can help protect your home and avoid the need for expensive and potentially toxic chemical treatments. So, get outside this summer and enjoy all that nature has to offer! Just don’t forget your bug zappers. After all, if you are going to enjoy the outdoors, you don’t want to bring any unwanted guests into your home!


Install Screens

It’s nice to cozy up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around you and a cup of hot cocoa — until a pest crawls across your foot! Pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents are more than just a nuisance; they can also cause damage to your home and pose health risks for your family. The best way to keep pests away is by preventing them from entering your home in the first place.

The first step is to seal off entry points into your home. Inspect and repair any cracks or crevices around windows, doors, and utility penetrations to stop bugs like Cockroaches from sneaking inside. Mice can enter your home through holes the size of a dime, so don’t forget to check behind and underneath furniture for any potential entry points as well.

Another preventative measure is to store firewood away from your house, as bugs often make their homes in wood piles and can easily gain access to your home through these openings. Also, be sure to regularly dispose of garbage in sealed containers and keep your yard free of debris and clutter to avoid attracting pests.

Finally, be sure to regularly replace window and door screens to keep pests like mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks out of your living spaces. Choose a screen with a 20-by-20 mesh or finer to prevent even the smallest of insects from entering your home.

If you do discover signs of pest infestation, such as droppings, gnaw marks on furniture or food packaging, or scurrying sounds at night, immediately take action to protect your home and your family. Contact a professional pest control company for help with eradicating the pests and preventing them from returning.

Taking preventative measures to stop pests before they become a problem can dramatically improve your quality of life and keep your family safe from harmful pests. Proper cleaning and maintenance, proper storage, and the use of pest-repelling products are essential for achieving this goal. For the best results, consider hiring a professional pest control service to provide year-round protection against unwanted pests.